
Leadership Survey

Who would you choose to become the next leader of the Conservative Party and what should their priorities be? Let Lee know your preference by completing this 3 minute survey.

Thank you.

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Events across North East Derbyshire

2022 is the Platinum Jubilee year for Her Majesty The Queen, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. Across North East Derbyshire events are being planned to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee throughout the Bank Holiday Weekend.

Westthorpe Planning Application – Have your say!

The Westthorpe planning application for up to 397 houses has restarted and residents can make sure their comments are heard before a decision is made by the Council’s Planning Committee.

Clay Cross Town Deal Meeting

Sign up to attend the next briefing with Lee Rowley MP and Cllr Charlotte Cupit on Thursday the 28th October at 6PM to hear more about what is happening with the Clay Cross Town Deal.